Red coloured tall building

The Scottish Temperance League

The former home of the Scottish Temperance League was on Hope Street in Glasgow. This building, now a semi-detached property (and for sale!) is both narrow and tall, with 5 floors and ornate decorative frontage.

©Temperance History 2023

The building, designed by John Gaff Gillespie, was built in 1893/1894. The frontage includes carved figures symbolising Fortitude, Temperance, and Faith. ‘Temperance’ is stood at the very top, holding an open book. A lady’s face with the inscription ‘Prudentia’ and the crest of Glasgow compliment the fresco and decorations. [1]

Behind the building, and now joined together, is a building designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the former home of the Daily Record newspaper. This building currently incorporates the Glasgow School of Art and Library, a cafe and offices on the upper floors.

©Temperance History 2023

The Scottish Temperance League previously occupied offices in Glasgow on St Enoch Square and Queen Street. Details about the building can be found in the foyer via the Hope Street entrance.

[further details on the Scottish Temperance League to follow – check back later for updates]

[1] The Huntarian, University of Glasgow : accessed 2023.

To cite this page:

Temperance History, Ed. J Kenyon (2023-present). The Scottish Temperance League. : accessed [insert date]